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Re: Collaboration from ubuntuBSD project


On 20/03/2016 12:16 AM, Jon Boden wrote:
> ubuntuBSD just went live today with its first release, v15.04 BETA1 (codenamed "Escape from SystemD").
> This project owes a lot to Debian GNU/kFreeBSD and I'd like to send you a sincere offer for collaboration.
> In the following days I'm going to submit back all the improvements to Debian & other projects in a case-by-case pallatable form.
> In the meantime you can peek at the whole change set in:
> 	http://archive.ubuntubsd.org/patches/


Okay, from your signature, https://www.ubuntubsd.org doesn't work and
http://www.ubuntubsd.org/ takes you to

Not being an official Ubuntu distro then?  Where is it going?

Oh and lose the www in the URLs and it doesn't work either.


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