Em 2013-11-28 20:37, Steven Chamberlain escreveu:
Initially I think we just need as many components as possible to be ableto build. Then we can compare what we have, to what's used by somenon-GNOME Linux desktop distros and see if we can produce a full desktopenvironment task with what we have.
I see Snowlinux is Debian stable + Cinnamon + Gnome apps. But is Debian stable and Gnome apps from wheezy seem more DE-agnostic than the new Gnome apps, because the new Gnome apps have that menu what depends on Gnome Shell and without Gnome Shell, that menu is weird. But I don't know, that is what I think, I like Gnome apps but I need more opinions...
There's a mate-desktop package by Mike Gabriel in the NEW queue. I'm not sure if a copy of it is available yet to download from somewhere,but we probably want to ensure things like this will build on GNU/kFreeBSD.
Yeah, if you think more appropriate Mate than Cinnamon or Gnome, I will port it. :)
Unrelated, there's also a new gambas3 package in the NEW queue which hopefully gets it building on GNU/kFreeBSD. A GUI programming language + IDE which looks nice.
Well, Eclipse has some problems on kFreeBSD...for example I can't include Pydev, but I'm happy Eclipse is finally in kFreeBSD.