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Re: FreeBSD 9.1 and Clang

2013/6/23 Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org>:
>> I would like to ask which versions of clang are expected to be released
>> with jessie?
> Clearly, I cannot exactly answer to that question.
> For now, there are two releases per year.
> 3.3 just been released. A basic (and probably wrong) estimate could be
> 3.7 [1].
>> Also, is there a possibility of clang-3.2 or newer being available
>> through wheezy-backports?
> I would prefer the 3.3 if that is OK with you.

Hi Sylvestre,

What is your policy for removal of old releases in general?

One of the reasons we want this is because of the GCC maintainers'
aggressive policy towards removal of old releases. We've been burnt a
few times because of a version of GCC we depend on being remove at
inappropiate time.

In general, our needs are determined by what FreeBSD is using for
their releases (the less we diverge from them, the less trouble for

For wheezy, we're considering a backport of kfreebsd 9.1. For this
version, we could do with clang-3.1 which is what upstream used for
that release. Is there any chance we can have clang-3.1 in
wheezy/updates (or wheezy/backports)?

For jessie, it is likely that we'll need clang-3.2 or clang-3.3.
However it is not clear yet, as it depends on the version that will be
finally used for newer releases in kfreebsd 9.x series.

It is possible to obtain a commitment from you to provide whichever
version of clang FreeBSD uses for the latest 9.x release at any given
time? This would basically just imply not removing certain versions
until FreeBSD has moved on to the next one.

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