Momchil Velikov wrote:
"Erik" == Erik Steffl <> writes:Erik> I know that ms doesn't distribute gnu utils FWIW, they do. GCC and GDB at least. Erik> just to clarify: at the same time, if debian is called debian Erik> gnu/linux system because debian developers decided that it should Erik> be called that then that's it, I don't object to that. Yes. What's wrong in _convincing_ others to do the similar thing ? Just like debian were convinvced ?
same thing as convincing other to be/(not)use/(not)believe/etc XXX (where XXX is personal choice). specially in a zealous way (THAT's the RIGHT path)
I thought I already explained it - everybody should be able to name the project whatever they please, without one or another author of used software demanding anything beyond GPL (talkig about GPL-ed software).
after all that seems to be in spirit of freedom and it's also a common practice (actually I am not aware of any other similar request). On the other hand there were other extremes where pretty much only the name was changed and the consensus seemed to be - well, that's life with GPL, as long as the sources are provided (and few other details) it's OK.