Re: Changes in formal naming for NetBSD porting effort(s)
[I am not subscribed to debian-bsd.]
On Dec 17, 2003, at 10:20, Branden Robinson wrote:
Given that we're going to be saddled with with a comprehension problem
anyway, I say we abandon the effort to be descriptive in the product
name. I proposed having a correlation between the first letter of the
product name and the underlying BSD variant simply as a mnemonic
convenience for people who already know what the products are supposed
to be.
We don't have to *completely* give up the effort to be descriptive.
How about just calling it:
Debian GNU/OBSD (if there's ever an OpenBSD port)
It would have the advantage of being recognizable to most people,
without actually using 'NetBSD' or so anywhere in the name.
[ The following suggestion is possibly flameworthy. Please consider
the above separate from the below. ]
In the case of a NetBSD libc, you could use
basically having the first half signify which libc is used. However,
if Debian is always going to use the GNU/ prefix, then perhaps make it
something like
with the third part signifying the libc used.
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