[ CCing Debian Project Leader and Secretary, to ensure that they have the ] [ chance to speak to the topic, even if they don't see it on the mailing ] [ lists. ] On December 2nd, I was contacted by Luke Mewburn, on behalf of The NetBSD Foundation, asking about the "transition" to calling the NetBSD port "Debian GNU/KNetBSD", and expressing their appreciation for this change, as it reflects (in their opinion) a more accurate statement about what the system is, and avoids any potential dilution of the NetBSD trademark. I explained that "Debian GNU/KNetBSD" was actually a separate effort, primarily by Robert Millan, to port Debian to a system consisting of NetBSD's kernel (thus, 'KNetBSD') and a ported GNU libc, while the other effort was aimed at a NetBSD kernel and native NetBSD libc. I did, however, say that I (at least) would be happy to try to find a name they found equally suitable, for the same reasons, rather than continue to use the current one. On December 3rd, Mr. Mewburn confirmed that The NetBSD Foundation would prefer to see the name changed, and I brought the issue up on the debian-bsd mailing list for discussion. After a good discussion that covered a variety of topics that went beyond the port name, but covered important related issues, I made the following proposal, which has received no objections for one week (Mr. Millan did make one request regarding the design of patches, which is not in conflict with the proposal): ----- For the porting effort formerly known as "Debian GNU/NetBSD" or "Debian GNU NetBSD/i386", the following four identifiers will be used: 1) 'uname -s' will be 'NetBSD' (this is unchanged). 2) 'uname -v' will have the name 'Debian' in it at an appropriate place, so that it is possible to determine a full set of system information solely from uname. (This is somewhat flexible due to possible changes in the NetBSD implementation of the concept of 'vendor'). 3) The GNU config triple will have '-netbsd-gnu' as it's third part. (This is unchanged - and don't blame me for a 4-part triplet. I didn't start it, merely maintained consistancy with -linux-gnu). 4) The Debian port name will become 'Debian GNU/KLNetBSD(i386)'[1]. ----- [1] i386 target, Kernel+Libc of NetBSD, GNU userland, Debian distribution I'm not entirely certain what else, if anything, is required to make these changes (except updating the web pages, which will obviously have to wait until the normal method of doing so has been restored), since the origional decision on the port name was relatively informal. If anyone objects, or wishes to see further requirements met, please let me know, and I'll do what I can to resolve the situation. Please note that all of my discussions with The NetBSD Foundation, and it's representatives, have been both cordial and productive, to date, and that I feel their request is born largely of having seen an example which they preferred, rather than any antipathy towards the Debian project as a whole, or the various BSD porting efforts under it. -- Joel Baker <fenton@debian.org> ,''`. Debian GNU/KLNetBSD(i386) porter : :' : `. `' `-
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