Re: Installation guide link possibly incorrect
Cyril Brulebois <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Holger Wansing <> (2018-06-08):
> > We had the same situation in 2016 with jessie/stretch manual.
> > I have already adapted the lessoften cron script in
> >
> >
> > Today I found the relevant mailinglist entries, here:
> >
> > where I read that some more action is needed.
> >
> > Laura: could you help us again with this?
> > In above mailinglist entry you have posted the commands needed back
> > in 2016...
> I'm wondering whether we shouldn't be trying to look at specific
> versions of installation-guide based on the target suite, rather than
> hoping for the best with ls -t|head -1.
> For stretch, it can be obtained with:
> | kibi@wolkenstein:~$ rmadison installation-guide -s stretch | awk '{print $3}'
> | 20170614
> For buster, there's currently no version available in testing, so we
> could try to use whatever is in testing, and fall back to unstable if
> there's no such version?
> (If we implement checking several suites with a fallback, we could even
> check stretch-proposed-updates in addition to stretch, which would let
> us merge things in advance when a point release is being prepared.)
> What do you (-boot & -www) think?
Similar solutions have already been proposed, but sadly noone implemented
For me, that sounds like a very good way.
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