Re: Installation guide link possibly incorrect
Holger Wansing <> wrote:
> Am Freitag, 8. Juni 2018 schrieb Marta Binaghi:
> > Dear *,
> >
> > I wanted to get the installation guide for stretch, but from the page
> >
> > clicking on the 64-bit PC architecture I get to a guide which says:
> > "This document contains installation instructions for the Debian
> > GNU/Linux 10 system (codename “buster”)"
> >
> > Am I missing something or is the link not correct?
> You are right.
> We (installer team) already noticed this and are working
> on it.
We had the same situation in 2016 with jessie/stretch manual.
I have already adapted the lessoften cron script in
Today I found the relevant mailinglist entries, here:
where I read that some more action is needed.
Laura: could you help us again with this?
In above mailinglist entry you have posted the commands needed back
in 2016...
Many thanks!
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