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Re: GTK frontend can now save screenshots in PNG format

Frans Pop wrote:
On Saturday 24 December 2005 11:21, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:

I did some experiments using a frame around the message but the result
was ugly, so i came up with a bold "Screenshot" label that should help
in recognizing the popup window [1]: please, tell me if you like it so

[1] https://debian.polito.it/downloads/g-i_popup_new.png

Hmm. Against a white background this is fine. The problem is when the message is against a grey background. How does it look then?

it doesn't look as nice as it does with bg..  :( [1]
Since an entire dialog window cannot be enncapsulate inside a frame, i've replaced it with a simple gtk_window encapsulated by a frame (without title) and now the popup window looks better [2]. A question: actually sending the main window the "delete" event (emitted when the user clicks on the "close" top-right button (GTKX) or presses "Window-c" (GTKDFB) ) closes the window but doesn't kill cdebconf: should this behaviour changed? I also noticed i forgot redrawing the "screenshot" button after language is changed and disabling it when progressbar runs (i couldn't find another solution to prevent the crash).


[1] https://debian.polito.it/downloads/g-i_popup_new_gray_bg.png
[2] https://debian.polito.it/downloads/g-i_popup_new_gray_bg_nodialog.png

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