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Re: sarge-ia64-netinst (July 24) installation attempt and failure on DL590/64

  Did you file a bug for this?  I can't find anything further in bug 
reports or emails to this list.

It appears that the partitioner is seriously broken in version 48 for 
ia64.  I too see this error.  The partitioner (partman) only seems to
know about ext2 and swap partitions even though others are loaded.


On Monday 02 August 2004 19:41, Zan Lynx wrote:
> Hi!  I am not sure if this is the proper list or the correct format.
> Any tips on doing this right will be appreciated!
> I finally got around to trying the Sarge netinst ISO that I
> downloaded July 24.  I made a list of the problems I discovered:
> partitioner created ext3 partitions but kernel only supports ext2.
> partitioner did not create a FAT partition for elilo.
> partitioner cannot create a FAT partition?
> base system setup fails because kernel package can't find
> /dev/ida/c0d0p1.
> rerunning base setup fails because /usr/bin/awk exists and because
> /lib/modules/kernel-blah exists.

Jim Lieb			Wild Open Source Inc.
lieb@wildopensource.com		Cell: 831.295.9317
Office: 831.421.0883            Fax:  831.421.0885

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