Bug#253102: Installation on a recent ibook G4 (Beta 4)
Quoting Helge Kreutzmann (kreutzm@itp.uni-hannover.de):
> > Let's ring Seppy...
> If I can forward all things found in d-i directly to seppy in the
> future, that would be great.
Well, there is no good answer to this.
The best is probably forwarding them to
debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org which all german translators
read. Thus, if Dennis is not here, someone else will take care of the problem.
> > > [timezone-conf] »Europe/Berlin« --> »Europa/Berlin« (Translation
> > > Europe)
> >
> > Impossible to do. The timezone names are currently not translatable and
> > making them translatable would be highly risky....
> For geman this is ok, as the english names are quite close to the
> german one. For chinese, however, I don't know.
BTW, I am a bit wrong. The continents names are translatable
currently, so this may be a bug in the german translation:-->s/Europe/Europa
> > > [exim4] *Many* errors in the german translation (I stopped noting down
> > > after 11 errors)
> Actually the maintainer provided me with the current template which is
> much improved, though still several issues are present. I corrected
> them and will later ask on the german language list someone else to
> proof read (and discuss some problematic issues).
And subscribing to the -l10n-german is certainly a good idea..:-) (if
not already of course!)
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