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Re: Automated installer / kickstart instructions?

On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 09:04:03AM -0500, Erik Dykema wrote:
> Geert Stappers wrote:
> 	1) Have the installer look in a pre-designated filesystem place for the 
> pre-seed file (I.e. '/di/tools/preseeder/preseed.deb' below).  This 
> would be useful for automated CD-ROM installs, grab the ISO, stick in 
> your preseed file, re-burn it, and go.
> 	2) Pass the installer an http / ftp / nfs url at boot time (APPEND 
> preseed=  This would be useful for 
> cluster / multiple machine installations particularly in combination 
> with syslinux / pxelinux.
> 	If one or both of these could be implemented in D-I, that would be 
> fantastic.

Both? That is the best answer to 
| | (should it be code or only data)

Only data is 1)
Code is 2), get more information from elsewhere.

> > It is fine that I create a tools/preseeder directory?
>  >
> > Next step will be discussing the functionality of that udeb.
> > (should it be code or only data)
> 	Regarding code or only data, I think that there are two paths to take. 
>   Data only would be limited to doing the things that D-I already knows 
> how to do.  However, it seems like it would be fairly simple to do this 
> preseeding thing.
> 	Putting code into the mix enables more functionality, however this 
> would increase the complexity of the task involved in making it work, 
> and would also dramatically overlap with a number of other projects, 
> including FAI and cfengine.
> 	If:
> 		d-i can install the cfengine clients, and
> 		d-i can configure them to connect to the proper cfengine 			'server'
> 	Then it's not necessary to include the code stuff in the preseeder 
> udebs, because that functionality (scripting & etc.) is totally handled 
> by cfengine.

My proposal is to let d-i bring the computer at a level that can run cfengine.

Now I think about it, preseeder can just be data. Or not even a udeb
just the file with answers.

Auto install with debian-installer will be creating the proper boot image.

> Erik

Geert Stappers

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