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Re: Bits about countrychooser and languagechooser

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On 2004-01-26 16:55, Anton Zinoviev wrote:
> On 26.I.2004 at 16:07 Christian Perrier wrote:
> > Unfortunately, this has a problem-->the first question, about country
> > will be in english. Its implications are not trivial, thus I think it
> > should be translated...
> What if the menu items look like this:
> Belgium (Dutch and French translations)
> Bulgaria (България)
> Germany (Deutschland)
> Switzerland (French, German and Italian translations)

For Belgium it should be (Dutch, French, or German), there's 3 officially 
recognized languages in Belgium (though #people with German as their mother 
tongue is relatively small).

> > If one chooses Belgium, should French or Dutch be chosen as default
> > language? I can assure you that either one is chosen, then you'll get
> > the "other side" very angry.

definately, there's _no way_ that you'll be able to specify one default for 
the whole of Belgium: if you choose either French or Dutch then not only 
are a lot of people going to grumble, but a fair number will see this as an 
attack on their culture and will _actively_ oppose using Debian. Yes, it's 
that big of a cultural issue with fairly large groups on both sides of "the 
language border".

> For such countries the priority of the language question should not be
> lowered and no default language needs to be chosen.

hm, how about having one package called locale_chooser that goes like this:
1. Short text explaining what a locale is, and that we can often guess or at
    least narrow it down based on location.

    Where do you live?	
	Belgium	-> no good default so drill down
	France	-> sensible default, so use it
	don't guess let me specify
2. (only for countries/areas with more then 1 supported locale)
    Below is a list of the supported locales for your area. Which locale do
    you want to use?
	nl_BE choose this to proceed in Dutch (in Dutch off course)
	fr_BE choose this to proceed in French (in French)
	de_BE choose this to proceed in German (in German)
3. (possibly if needed, and then only for locales with more then one
    Below is the list of timezone's within this locale. Which timezone are
    you in?

"don't guess let me specify" on the first screen let's you select/specify 
the values for LANG, LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, ... individually (hm, possibly 
another item "guess then let me adjust")

off course you could also turn around 1 and 2 above, first asking the 
language, and then if necessary the country, though I'm unsure if that's 

Also I think it is probably better to deal with all the locale stuff at the 
same point (with sensible defaults off course), then to do half of it 
(language) now and half of it (timezone) later.

> > In step 2, the user is warned that choosing "Others" may have
> > undesired effect as the locale combination is currently not supported
> > in Debian.

agreed, when specifying an unsupported combination (through the "don't guess 
item") a warning should be shown.

> > About LANG, LANGUAGE, LC_ALL and all this stuff, I leave the answer to
> > others as I must admit that some subtleties there are away from my
> > understanding...:-)

- -- 
Cheers, cobaco
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