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Re: Install-report

On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 08:50, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

> Can you select some nic-extra-modules*.udeb package to be installed or
> are all the net modules allready poulled in?

??? No understand.

Booting that Beta-1 to linux or cdrom freezes completely two seconds
later, whichever parameters I pass. (e.g. video=vga16:off apm=off)
Booting to net ends me in 'Something must have gone wrong' with a red
>From there I can go back to the selection ('Continue') and load network
modules (e.g.). There is not a single 3C in the offering. So I can only
click 'other' which brings me back to the selection (menu).
You might  think this module was loaded ? Alright, lets try to Configure
Network: "No Network Interfaces were found."
Autodetect results in the error message described earlier.
debug on 3 ends in 
modprobe - unable to load module ide-cd

md5sum is okay; so it is simply a very rudimentary installer.

At least for this machine, which installs FreeBSD, OpenBSD, RedHat 7.1,
RedHat 7.2, RedHat 7.3 perfectly well and runs knoppix without ado.

I wonder why this is so difficult; 220860, 220865 and 221003 describe
the whole affair much better than my report. Despite exposing disastrous
behaviour, they have been downgraded from 'Grave' to 'Normal'. But
that's your internal stuff.

I'd just be happy to get a somewhat usable installer, thanks !

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