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Re: cvs commit to debian-installer/utils/debian by andrelop

Quoting Steve Langasek (vorlon@netexpress.net):

> It would be re-converted.  You would need to either convert the file to

And it will be a big Mess. Those who recently read debian-l10n-french
probably remember "The Great Story of bubulle Fighting the UTF-8
Dragon"....which made me send lot of funny stuff including 3-bytes
encoded french accents... :-)

The most annoying problem happens when you plan to send a mail
composed in UTF-8, along with a text file in ISO-8859-1 attached (for
instance de fr.po file).....with mutt. 

Mutt will convert both to either ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8, depending on
your send_charset setting......so, at least one of both will me messed

I had to trick down my .mailcap file so that it considers *.po files
to be anything else than text/plain.

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