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Re: Bug#174335: acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#174335: acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#174335: no boot floppies for testing))

* "Cassandra Lynette Brockett" 

| Which sounds to me like just the right way to handle it...   I'm going to
| spend some time over the next week or so figuring out how to get a the
| debian-installer stuff "working" for what I need done here... expect a
| flurry of reports on it... hmm... watching another thread in the debian-boot
| list begs the question - which package do I list the reports under?

Currently, most of the bugs are just reported on this list (or on
#debian-boot on irc.debian.org).

| Is there a debian-installer "package" in the bug-system already?  If
| so, I'll find it when I need to, but if there is another package I
| should list the reports under, I'll be happy to add them there.

if the b-f maintainers agree, «install» would be a sensible choice,
since b-fs are not going to be developed a lot more, just maintained.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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