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Re: [d-i] debconf, partitioning widget?

#include <hallo.h>
Tollef Fog Heen wrote on Mon Jul 22, 2002 um 02:45:43PM:

> | That's not relevant since *BSD won't release with sarge anyway.
> But our Hurd friends might.
> and it seems to me like Eduard Bloch is proposing that we extend b-f
> indefinitely, something which I hope I have misunderstood him on.

I propose that we use what we have and do not try to force _new and
untested_ code to replace BFs. IMHO, either we base on boot-floppies and
freeze in few months, or we insist on forcing D-I for Sarge, leading to
whacky release period of (let's say) another two years.

> [Microsoft wirbt:] "Ein offenes Betriebssystem kann schon mal mutieren."
Mutieren tun vor allem MS-proprietäre Dateiformate.

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