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Re: Post-woody

* "Christian T. Steigies" 

| On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 10:31:32AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
| > 
| > I think we should move to debian-installer, even though it will take
| > longer time to work out.  People want to do some new development, d-i
| > is getting closer to working (as in actually being able to install
| > systems in a mostly-reliable way) by the day and I don't think pushing
| > boot-floppies for yet another iteration would be good at all.  IMO,
| > that is.
| getting closer to working... on i386?

yes, since that is the arch I have at home.  Once I have that working,
I'll look into SPARC at least, maybe ppc as well.  Unless somebody
beats me to it, obviously. :)

| Or has it been tested on other arches as well? I've never heard much
| about d-i other than the commit messages.  Just speaking for myself
| here, but I think it has never been tested on m68k, and we do not
| want to get rid of our oldest port just yet, do we?  ;-)

of course we won't, but most of the code should be portable.  Except
for the «install boot loader stuff» and make bootable floppy and those

| If you think its semi-usable, maybe you could send some instructions on what
| to check out, special build instructions, usage documentation, estimated
| build time, ... I would give it a shot in a free moment.

it builds in a couple of minutes on my PIII-800 (laptop -> very bad
IO).  It's in debian-boot's cvs, module name is debian-installer.
Take a look at build/README and doc/.  If things aren't explained well
there, ask here or ask me on irc (nick's Mithrandir, #debian-devel or
#debian-boot, OPN) and we'll work it out and document it.

It's in the state that more people might hack on it at least, but
don't expect too much yet.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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