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Re: Is lynx really need?

Sven LUTHER <luther@debian.org> writes:

> Well, in the powerpc-specials directory (as well as snarf, don't remember the
> last one, but could check).

Arch-specific depends are handled by 'make check' rules for the arch,
not by debian/control, which is arch-indep.

> I think in the long run, the doc in powerpc-specials is supposed to
> go away and be included in the main doc, but as i know nothing of
> sgml, and don't know, nor have the time to check, where the subarch
> specific install stuff should be added to the docs, ...

Well, you can read the doc source and add it just like the other
powerpc specific stuff is added.  It's a little complex but not rocket

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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