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Re: Fwd: Installing

On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 01:32:19PM -0600, Robin Cook wrote:
> Hello,
>    I am trying to install the current frozen potato 2.2.6 but I don't seem
>    to be able to use the floppy install.
>    I do not have a regular floppy drive on my system. I only have an LS-120
>    disk drive.  It boots fine from the rescue disk but then is unable to read
>    the root disk.
>    Is there any way to get it to read the root disk from the LS-120 or
>    creat a boot disk that has all the information on a single LS-120 disk?
>    I have to creat the 1.44 floppies on another machine because rawrite and
>    dd do not seem to be able to create the disk on the LS-120 drive. Both
>    say unable to determine the sec/track for the disks.

get the image from the "disk-2.44"-dir. In this Image ist the kernel
and the root-fileystem (for the boot-cd).

IMHO it work with LS-120.

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
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