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Re: post installation and reboot tasks (was Re: diskles-image-*)

Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> In summary, after installation of base, dbootstrap will do the
> timezone configuration etc as per normal.  Yadda yadda, then, in this
> order:
>  1. reboot into system
>  2. run joey's debconf'ified replacement postinst script
>  3. apt configurator
>  4. xviddetect's anXious
>  5. tasksel
>  6. ask user whether they wanna install base directly (apt-get) or run
>     dselect instead

In fact, 2 and 6 are in scope for what I'm doing, and the code is also
responsible for running 3, 4, and 5. Here is the first step: I've broken out
all the questions into a debconf templates file. I'm going to have to hurry
and add i8n to debconf though, I guess.

Template: base-config/root-password
Type: password
Description: Enter a password for root.
 Before proceeding, you need to set a password for 'root', the system
 administrative account.  (The root account is the account that you're
 currently using).  The root password shouldn't be easy to guess, and
 it shouldn't be a word found in the dictionary, or a word that could
 be easily associated with you, like your middle name.  A good password
 will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation and will be
 changed at regular intervals.  The root password is changed by running
 the 'passwd' program as root.
 Why such caution?  The root account doesn't have the restrictions that
 normal user accounts have.  root can read, modify or erase any file on
 the system, change the ownerships and permissions of any file, and run
 programs that require special privileges (such as programs that format
 the hard disk!).  A malicious or unqualified user with root access can
 have disastrous results.
 For the same reason, it's a bad idea to use the root account for normal
 day-to-day activities, such as the reading of electronic mail, because
 even a small mistake can result in disaster.  As soon as you're logged
 in as root, you should create a normal user account.  You should use the
 normal user account whenever you're not maintaining the system.  (How to
 do this will be described in a minute.)

Template: base-config/make-user
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Shall I create a normal user account now?
 As mentioned earlier, it is a bad idea to use the root account except
 in cases that you need special privileges (such as when you need to
 mount a file system). Now you may create a normal user account.
 Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account)
 by typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an
 user name, like 'imurdock' or 'rms'.
Template: base-config/username
Type: string
Description: Enter a username for your account
 Select a username for the new account.  (Your first name is
 a reasonable choice.)

Template: base-config/shadow
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Shall I install shadow passwords?
 Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is
 able to view even encrypted passwords.  Passwords are stored in
 a separate file that can only be read by special programs.  We
 recommend the use of shadow passwords.  If you're going to use
 NIS you could run into trouble.

Template: base-config/remove-pcmcia
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Shall I remove the pcmcia packages?
 It seems your system doesn't need PCMCIA.  It was installed with the rest
 of the kernel, but can be removed now.
Template: base-config/use-ppp
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Do you want to use a PPP connection to install the system?
 If you have an account on an ISP, and you want to use it to fetch the 
 packages to install on the system from the Internet, you may configure
 the PPP service now, and I will open a PPP connection to your ISP.

Template: base-config/start-ppp
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Do you want me to start a PPP connection now?
 Now that PPP is configured, the connection to your ISP can be activated.

Template: base-config/retry-ppp
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Should I try again to connect to your ISP?
 I was unable to establish a ppp connection with your ISP.

Template: base-config/use-tasksel
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Install packages from preselected sets?
 Now you may choose one of several sets of packages to be installed.  If you
 prefer to select one by one which packages to install on the system you may
 skip this step.

Template: base-config/dselect
Type: boolean
Description: Dselect
 I'm now going to start the 'dselect' program.  'dselect' is used to select
 which of the thousands of packages included with Debian GNU/Linux to install
 on the system.  (It is also used for general maintenance of the packages on
 the system, but you'll be primarily interested in installation now.)
 You should follow the on-line instructions to select any packages that you
 want to have on your system, such as GNU Emacs, TeX or the X Window System.
 A default set of packages are automatically selected that provide a fairly
 complete Unix-like environment, so manual selection of packages is optional.

Template: base-config/stop-ppp
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Do you want me to close the PPP connection?
 The installation is complete. I may close the PPP connection to your 
 ISP now or I may keep it open if you want.

Template: base-config/no-stop-ppp
Type: note
Description: Use 'poff' to stop ppp when you finish.
 Since you elected to keep PPP connected for now, remember to use 'poff' to
 close it  when you finish.
Template: base-config/login
Type: note
Description: Have fun!
 You may now login as 'root' at the  login:  prompt.  To create a normal
 user account, you should run 'adduser' as root with a user name as an
 argument.  For example, to create a user called 'imurdock', you would
 type this at the shell prompt: 'adduser imurdock'."

Template: base-config/tty-switching
Type: note
Description: Virtual consoles
 You may also take advantage of the multi-tasking features of Debian
 GNU/Linux by pressing <Left Alt><Fn> to switch to a new 'virtual
 console', where n is the number of the virtual console to switch to.
 For example, to switch to virtual console #3, you would press <Left
 Alt><F3>, and to return to this virtual console (virtual console #1),
 you would press <Left Alt><F1>.

see shy jo

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