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Checklist for boot-floppies release?

I was looking over the todo list, looking for something to do, and
realised that I don't know what the required feature set is for getting
this thing released. If folks don't mind, lets spend a few minutes and
nail down what has to be done in the next week or two so we can get this
thing out the door for potato.

Here are the things I think should be finished for potato

    1. dhcp should be integrated 
	Task: Modify dbootstrap netconfig
	Task: Make the kernel support CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER (bug #50996) 
	Task: Add dhcp-client to base
	Task: Add dhcp-client to root<x>.bin

    2. md problem???
	Task: dunno, but it almost certainly isn't md, but some driver conflict.

    3. Implement "install base system from an HTTP server". 
	Task: Get Sean 'Shaleh' Perry or Marcel to decide which of their
	    solutions is going in, and have them check in whatever they have.
	    This ain't no cathedral. :)
	Task: dunno

    4. language-chooser and i18n for boot-floppies 
	Task: dunno

Any other tasks folks can think of?  Keep in mind that since we are going
to freeze on January 15, huge tasks just arn't going to happen.


Erik B. Andersen   Web:    http://www.xmission.com/~andersen/ 
                   email:  andersee@debian.org
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