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Re: busybox and 'mv <dir>' fails [Was: Bug#53563: File name confusion prevents install from hd]

On Tue Dec 28, 1999 at 08:47:24PM -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
> OK, but what is busybox conceptually?

Think of it as a Swiss Army Knife.

>From the webpage ( http://busybox.lineo.com/ ):

    BusyBox is a suite of tiny UNIX utilities in a multi-call binary.
    It provides a fairly complete POSIX environment in a very small
    package. Just add a kernel, as shell (such as ash), and an editor
    (such as elvis-tiny or ae) to create a working system. BusyBox
    is used by (and in fact was originally developed for) the Debian
    installation disks, but it also makes an excellent environment for
    any small or embedded system.

Basically, it provides reduced versions of the utilities you usually
find in gzip, util-linux, fileutils, shellutils, textutils, bsdutils,
findutils, sysutils, procps, sysklogd, mount, sysvinit, tar, grep, and
probably some others I can't think of at the moment.

> By the way, the problem with building my own binaries is that I have no
> debian to build them on!  I'll recheck with the 2.2.3 that are out there.

Hmm. We really should get some new boot floppies out there soon. The
boot floppies still have some grave busybox bugs. Of course, even with
the busybox bugs fixed, I don't know if your problems from bug #53563
will be solved...


Erik B. Andersen   Web:    http://www.xmission.com/~andersen/ 
                   email:  andersee@debian.org
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