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Re: Is there a VERY minimalist "Pure Blend"

Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Hi Richard,

[ I've Cc'ed you - please do tell if needed or you are subscribed ]

I'm subscribed.

Quoting Richard Owlett (2014-11-23 15:42:32)
I am not "resource poor/constrained/???", but what I'm looking for
likely would have roots in a resource constrained embedded project.

I might describe my application as "single operator", "single user"
being used to describe something quite different.

I explicitly want no server capability. There will be a 56k modem for
email and viewing web pages.

I do not play music or watch videos on my computer.

I've found some attractive features in projects such as Slackware and
Linux From Scratch. BUT I want the advantage of prepackaged programs.

My ideal system would have a kernel, Gnome2, apt-get/synaptic,
SeaMonkey and not much else.


Do you ask as co-maintainer of such blend or as user of it?

Primarily user. Initially I would use it as model to create something that meets my quite idiosyncratic (perhaps inconsistent) goals.

Although one of my PERSONAL specifications is (with one possible exception) that all packages be straight from standard repository, I doubt my first few iterations wold pass muster as being Pure Blend. Recommends would be disabled for apt/synaptic/etc.

I would love to collaborate with you on developing such a blend, and
have already tagged pieces for various definitions of "minimalist" in
Boxer, the tool I would use for this.

When I asked a similar question about a year ago, you mentioned Boxer. At the time I could not understand what relevance it had. Now a year later, when I searched for "Boxer" in this group the collection of links gave me a hint of what it is.

Thanks for sharing what you find
minimalist, I will take that into account in my classifications (I would
personally not consider GNOME minimalist, so your input is appreciated).

My definition more on the number of packages than on their footprint. No package will be installed unless I have an explicit use for it. The ramifications of that is why I suspect my initial iterations would not be acceptable as a Pure Blend.

You wanna develop with me?  As you've already demonstrated, that does
not require you to be a Debian developer, just for you to be opinionated
and (later) test if it works as expected.  Then you can team up with
someone who can juggle the other needed parts (like me or others on this

If you are not in the mood for developing,

Though not a "Developer" I do some "developing". I've several generation of a custom preseed.cfg that does some of what I want when used with Squeeze. It fails with Wheezy. I've an idea where the problem is, but need to do more work. I have also been pointed to debootstrap though further reading suggests that multistrap to be more appropriate.

I need to find more documentation on both (man pages are not enough).

but seek something ready for
you to use, then I guess you'll have to wait a bit, as I am unaware that
it exist currently as a pure blend.  Possibly non-pure derivations of
Debian exists which suits your needs adequately, perhaps others on this
list know more and can give suggestions for that (Paul Wise, are you

  - Jonas

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