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RE: PhpMyAdmin is open for adoption


> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Sven Hartge [mailto:sven@svenhartge.de] 
> Verzonden: woensdag 31 juli 2019 10:06
> Aan: debian-backports@lists.debian.org
> Onderwerp: Re: PhpMyAdmin is open for adoption
> I did the same, just put it into /srv/web/phpmyadmin, create the
> necessary Alias configuration and you are more or less done.

Yes, more or less done.. 
How do you handle future upgrades and security updates.. 

I would go for : https://packages.debian.org/buster/adminer 
If you really need a web bases management tool. 

Current phpmyadmin is not php 7.3 compliant. ( up to php 7.2 ) 
Phpmyadmin 5.0alpha.. That supports php 7.3 
But .. its alpha.. Good to start building but not for use in production. 

Thats why i suggest adminer.

> Grüße,
> Sven.



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