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Re: backporting Litecoin [not-in-testing]


* Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob@debian.org> [2018-06-04 11:29:10 CEST]:
> On Monday, 4 June 2018 7:04:50 PM AEST Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
> > You have to understand that otherwise there
> > won't be an upgrade path for the package, which is one of the core
> > issues here too, and part of the reason why we want the package in
> > testing.
> This is really a minor concern and it wouldn't even be valid if we continue 
> backporting for next release.

 Oh, it very well is, because the upgrade path that we want to ensure is
from oldstable+backports to currentstable without backports.  You might
consider it minor yourself, but it's not to us.

> We both know that often there is no upgrade path when software is removed 
> from Debian (e.g. discontinued upstream) or when it couldn't keep up with 
> library transitions in time for release.

 That package get removed and discontinued is what kind of reasoning to
not try to offer a proper upgrade path in the first place?  Sorry, I
can't follow what you say at all.

> Here is another risk: would there be an upgrade path if I stop maintaining 
> Litecoin? I don't know but future unknowns shouldn't prevent us from making 
> sane decisions.

 Someone else might take over the package.  Again, this reasoning for
not even trying to have a useful upgrade path comes over quite
disrespectful.  I hope you don't mean it that way though.

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