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Re: backporting Litecoin [not-in-testing]


* Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob@debian.org> [2018-06-04 10:26:31 CEST]:
> The potential problem is that blockchain may break at any time (hard fork, 
> incompatibility with majority of newer clients, etc.) and for that reason it 
> may be wise to keep Litecoin away from "stable" just because it may break 
> suddenly, rendering version in "stable" useless.
> Now I'll have to reconsider that because it is impossible to backport 
> software which is not in "testing". Maybe it will be easier to convince 
> release managers to grant an exception to update Litecoin in "stable" when 
> necessary but certainly that will require more work and more coordination...

 Please do get in touch with the stable release team to discuss how
things might work for that.  Unless there is a good chance that the
package will be shipped with the next stable release, the package
doesn't fit backports.  You have to understand that otherwise there
won't be an upgrade path for the package, which is one of the core
issues here too, and part of the reason why we want the package in

 Good luck,
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