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Re: jlapack_0.8~dfsg-3~bpo8+1_amd64.changes REJECTED

* Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> [2016-07-08 11:05:27 CEST]:
> On Fri, Jul 08, 2016 at 10:31:55AM +0200, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
> > I always stated clearly that we are willing to listen to reasoning and
> > discuss things, and not have things dumped on us to stay here puzzled
> > not knowing what's going on and why something is done out of the
> > ordinary.
> May be I have not yet fully understood all the checks you are doing,
> specifically I was not aware of the "no relevant changes" check.

 Well, I like to know the reason for a backport.  Sometimes people
uploaded bugfixes to address issues in stable, which is wrong.  And when
there is no direct indication why something was backported we ask what's
going on.  But it would be much more helpful to not have to ask but been
told by the people doing that beforehand.  It leaves a totally different
impression about the person doing so.

> >  It is not acceptable to do things that aren't so-to-say standard
> > procedure and either try to sneak them in or wait for us to figure it
> > out without getting in contact at all.
> It was absolutely not intended to sneak something in - just a bit naive.
> Please assume that I was considering the change from contrib to main
> a relevant change.  Next time I'll post this here first.

 While I agree that it's an important change on itself, it's a corner
case and I don't see it as a reason for a backport on its own.
Backports is about new features that packages offer that might be useful
for users of an otherwise stable release.  And moving package from
contrib to main - while it is an important step, no question there - is
not really offering something new to stable users.

> May I assume that it is fine to re-upload jlapack and once this is
> accepted netlib-java and mtj as well which have pretty the same reason
> and minimal changelog.

 You can upload them together, the buildds should be able to handle that
correctly from what I know.  Unless there is something else that might
be an issue here that I don't see on first sight.

 Have fun,
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