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Re: Recommended git packaging work flow for backports?


* Simon Josefsson <simon@josefsson.org> [2015-04-24 09:26:24 CEST]:
> Hi.  I'm preparing my first backport and couldn't find any information
> on what the best work flow for a Debian package that uses git,
> git-buildpackage, pristine-tar and so on.  Are there any pointers here?

 You might want to take a look at the wesnoth git repository.  I don't
have upstream sources in there (it would just get unbearable heavy with
that upstream package), but I have seperate branches for everything and
do carry over the changelog, and merge from master.  There are scripts
that help with the changelog merging, but given that it's no magic and
doesn't take long I do it manually still.

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