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Re: Please do NOT upload packages with newer versions than in wheezy to squeeze-backports

   Hi again,

* Alexander Reichle-Schmehl <alexander@schmehl.info> [2012-08-24 11:32:19 CEST]:
> Am 24.08.2012 10:55, schrieb Gerfried Fuchs:
> [..]
> > P.S.: We already have three packages in this state and we'll have to
> >       figure out what to do about it ...
> >       <http://backports-master.debian.org/squeeze-backports/newer/>
> Regarding nagvis: It's a pebkac introduced false positive.  The package
> in backports is a wrongly versioned backport of the package in
> wheezy/sid.  It should have gotten the version 1:1.6.6+dfsg.1-2~bpo60+1
> (instead of -3~bpo60+1).

 Thanks for clearing this up.  Given that every upload to wheezy would
have a higher version (given our versioning schema) this might look
strange that people stick with the "bpo" version after the upgrade, but
me thinks that's acceptable, given that it's technicly the same code.
Also, there doesn't seem to be any dependency differences between the
squeeze-backports version and the wheezy version, so I guess this is a
lucky case of being an arch:all package.

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