Re: Cubox-i 4x4 RAM [was Re: Performance of armhf boards]
On Apr 21, 2016, at 9:04 AM, Vagrant Cascadian <> wrote:
> On 2016-04-21, Rick Thomas wrote:
>> Are you saying that the amount of RAM seen by Debian Linux is
>> determined by something in u-boot?
> Yes.
How is this information communicated from u-boot to the Linux kernel? I thought I understood (at least in principle) how the hand-off between then worked, but clearly I’m missing something.
>> But if I were using your patched mainline u-boot, I would get a
>> different (larger) number (almost, but not quite, the full 4.0GiB)?
> That’s how it's worked for me, yes.
Would you be willing to share this modified u-boot with me? I’d like to try it out on my device to see if it’s really an i4pro or a 4x4.
> There's something about the imx6 that limits it to 3.8GB.
>> I seem to remember that I got roughly the same number (lightly less
>> than 2.0 GiB) when I booted the manufacturer supplied u-boot and
>> Ubuntu kernel from the uSD-card that came with it.
> Maybe it came with a u-boot that didn't support the cubox-i4x4, as it
> wasn't added until relatively recently:
> Or, maybe you really did get a cubox-i4pro.
Possible… I’ll have to boot it from the original µSD-card and see what version of u-boot it has. I may have time to do that this weekend.
> live well,
> vagrant
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