If you just want a simple and cheap NSLU2 replacement, have you thought about a RaspberryPi? With a simple cardboard case (see their forum), for a small amount you can use it as a NAS. Works fine for me ;-)
Sorry list, I can imagine this question has been asked many times, but
the answer changes with time and browsing this list and related
resources I cannot find a sufficiently recent (let's say < 1 year)
answer to it.
I gave up on my NSLU 2 which seems irremediably broken (my guess is that
the RAM is botched) and I would like to buy another NAS in that price
range or whereabouts. And of course, I would like to be able to run a
full Debian system on it. Debian Squeeze would be fine, but I can
install Woody if need be. What do you think is a good buy? To qualify
further my question, I was looking at something like the XTreamer ETrayz
http://www.xtreamer.net/etrayz/specs.aspx, but that machine is no longer
in production and I don't even know if Debian can be installed over it.
Thank you for all your replies,
Nicola Bernardini
e-mail: nic.bern@tiscali.it
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