Did you consider to integrate this project tighter with Debian
I don't think it will ever be in debian proper for a couple of reasons Firstly I think it would be very difficult to get the powers that be to approve an arm arm variant in debian that mainly targets one device (the impression I get is that other than the Pi and low end smartphones armv6 is fairly uncommon) The second problem is that the debian archive has no understanding of what I call "flavours". When I say flavour in this context I mean a variant that changes minimum CPU requirements while keeping the ABI the same. Precedent from both ubuntu and the evoloution of various ports is that changing minimum CPU requirements without changing the ABI does not change the debian port name. However only one port of a given name can be in a given repository at a given time. Having said that I would certainly appreciate it if debian could do things in a way that is more friendly to derivatives like raspbian. In particular it would be very nice to have the defaults for gcc set in a central place rather than duplicated across god knows how many source packages (we have modified at least 6 so far and I'm pretty sure I missed some).