Re: How to install Debian on MCIMX53-START-R
Hi Gregor,
2012/7/6 Gregor Jasny <>:
> Thank you for this hint. I was able to build an image and dd'ed it to the
> micro SD card. On the serial console I could watch the boot process but
> noticed some warnings and errors:
> [ 1.248177]
> /build/buildd-linux_3.2.21-3-armhf-ki0aTS/linux-3.2.21/drivers/rtc/hctosys.c:
> unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
> ...
> [ 2.221226] _regulator_get: sdhci-esdhc-imx53.0 supply vmmc not found,
> using dummy regulator
> [ 2.265722] mmc0: SDHCI controller on sdhci-esdhc-imx53.0
> [sdhci-esdhc-imx53.0] using DMA
> [ 2.401097] _regulator_get: sdhci-esdhc-imx53.2 supply vmmc not found,
> using dummy regulator
> As far as I can see the second revision (-R) of the loco board is not
> properly supported. The vanilla kernel lacks (at least) the MC34708 PMIC
> related drivers. So USB and sometimes VGA are not working properly.
I think PMIC support is initialized in FSL u-boot, could you try to
use FSL u-boot? And try again?
> I also made the mistake to flash the Wheezy image to a micro SD card and
> tried to boot from the SATA disk with the Debian u-boot. Unfortunately it
> lacks SATA support for the loco board (This was introduced in a later u-boot
> version than the one on Wheezy).
U-Boot in wheezy is latest stable upstream release.
> I wonder if it's possible to use the Freescale 2.6.35 kernel to run the
> Debian armhf port. Will this work? Or must I use the armel port?
I would recommend against running armhf with 2.6.35, but it certainly
should be doable. Our armhf buildds were running such kernel at some
Héctor Orón -.. . -... .. .- -. -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.
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