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2nd RiscOS install kit, a little better maybe

I'm uploading a 2nd crack at RiscOS installers.  They should be up
there in an hour or so.  This one is slightly better and maybe a
little better documented.

Some notes for testers/writers/fixers:

I've made a new set of Debian ARM installation images that address some
of the problems in the first set.

1) RiscOS keymap support is getting there.  I have them on the install
   root, but the installer is probably not offering them to you.  Don't 
   install a keymap unless it is made for RiscOS.  Choose <cancel> instead.

2) The first install image was a 'Image' with embedded root.  Its large
   size caused problems.  Being an 'Image' instead of a 'vmlinux' may
   also have been a problem. (fake aout instead of real elf)

   I will take a shotgun approach this time and make 4 install images
   for the combinations of ( Image, vmlinux) X ( embedded, external)root.
   The file names should explain which is which.

3) Some devices work, some don't.  I'm sticking my ".config" file from
   the kernel into the distribution directory so people can make 
   recommendations.  If there isn't encouraging progress, I'll make
   an install kernel from 2.3.XX and see if time makes the problems go 

   ether3-16 : yes
   etherM : no
   etherB : tries but fails
   ADFS : detected but can not mount (kernel says its readonly experimental)
   ADPL IDEFS: not detected
   ICS IDE expansion card: not in kernel
   RapIDE expansion card: not in kernel
4) I forget that not everyone installs Debian 10 times a week. :-)
   Here is an overview of the install phases and which files are required
   for them... (files in http://folk.federated.com/debian/dists/potato/main/disks-arm/current/ )

   Load Installer Kernel
     (Netwinders use NeTTrom to get off of existing disk or over TFTP)
     (Acorn can use !Linux or !Linloader, see other references)
   Load Installer Root Filesystem
     (For Netwinders I build this into the root image to make life easy)
     (Acorn, I'd like to build it in to the root, but that may not work,
      floppy is an option.  This is the 'root.bin' file.  It should be
      "dd"d onto a floppy)
   Configure keyboard
     (acorn people choose cancel, I'm still trying to get your keymaps
      hooked up)
   Partition Disc
     (acorn will only have a chance to work on PC partitioned disks.
      I think we need some sort of Acorn partition tool or it has to be
      done back in RiscOS before starting the install.)
   Format swap
   Format Root Partition
     (Netwinder gotcha: take the 2.0 kernel compatibility.  NeTTrom is 2.0)
   Install Operating System Kernel and Modules
     (Netwinder, use 'network' to fetch with http.  I use eth0, eth1 is not
      verified yet.  That URL won't work, you have to hit folk.federated.com
      or some local copy of your own.)
     (Acorn can use floppies or maybe network.)
      This uses the "rescue.bin" image for operating system.  This is a
      netwinder only image.  I don't know how to install the OS for RiscOS,
      so presumably you will do that by hand and tell me.  Then I'll make
      a RiscOS "rescue.bin".
      This step also uses...
        images-1.44/driver-1.bin  (for floppy) or
        drivers.tgz (for network)
   Configure Drivers
   Install the Base System
     (Netwinder use network)
     (RiscOS can use network or floppies)
      This step uses...
        images-1.44/base-*.bin  (for floppies)
        base2_2.tgz (for network)
   Configure the Base System
   Make Bootable from Harddrive
     (Dummy step on netwinder)
     (RiscOS people will have to tell me what to do)
     (Presumably RiscOS people have figured out there is a stripped down
      shell over on vt2 and have done something to make this bootable,
      or maybe they have a kernel the !LinLoader or something.)

   (Netwinder people duck into NeTTrom and tweak their kernel to be
    /vmlinuz on their root partition.  Yes it is the wrong name, but
    its welded into some nasty spots in boot-floppies)

   System boots and finishes asking you questions.  Defaults are nice.
   If offers PPP, that is painful. :-)
   Configure to pull system from 'http', no non-us, choose a 
   server of folk.federated.com (last item in list) (or your local 
   Simple install  (it will wander off then ask for `tasks' to install)
   Pick some tasks if you wish.
   Congratulations, you've got Debian.

                                     Jim Studt, President
                                     The Federated Software Group, Inc.

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