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Re: Port status

On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 02:06:33PM -0700, Jim Pick wrote:

> There isn't really a list of things to do.  Just work on what you
> want to work on.  If I had time, I'd work on setting up the
> autobuilder myself - but I probably won't have time for that for a
> few weeks at least.

I now have DSL at home, and a bit of spare time.  Can anyone point me
to documentation on the autobuilder stuff?  I'd like to give it a try.

One important thing that doesn't build is Postgresql.  It gets stuck
on pgtksh.

David N. Welton            (    Circa mea pectora 
davidw@prosa.it            )    multa sunt suspiria
http://www.efn.org/~davidw (    de tua pulchritudine
debian.org + prosa.it      )    que me ledunt misere

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