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Port status

Hi. I was just wondering what the actual current status of the debian-arm
port is... I tried the bootable image last year, and it didn't seem very
advanced compared to Titan. I occasionally looked at the web page to see
if any progress was being made, but it appeared that the project had been
abandoned because it never changed. A couple of months ago at Linux99, I
was nabbed by one of the Debian developers who told me that the ARM port
was in fact making great progress... I've just got around to looking at
the FTP repository and it does appear that the Debian port is quite
advanced now, even though the web page (and the status reported on it)
is the same as it was months ago.

Anyway, Titan VI is very close to being released now, and we (Zereau-
http://www.zereau.com/) will probably be selling it on CD, both in source 
and ARMv4l binary form, and possibly in ARMv3l form too. I was just
wondering whether there would be any point selling Debian-ARM CDs along
with it or not. Is the port ready for this yet, and how much interest
would there be in it?

--------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. --------------
: Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham :
-------------------- http://www.linuxhacker.org/ --------------------

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