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Re: Corel and Debian (was: [linux-biz] Re: GNOME announcement) (fwd)

  Wichert> No-one has heard.. yet.

  John> I was guessing they chose Debian because they had learned to dislike
  John> installing an operating system produced by another company on their
  John> machines.  Anyway if it is because of the netwinder port, kudos to
  John> those of you who did it...

Just back from a Toronto Linux Users Group meeting. Today's topic:
Netwinder. They had "Jason" (no family name) in, a marketing/sales guy from
HCC (the company which bought he netwinder biz from CorelComputing).

While he talked a bunch about Netwinders, Linux and the rest, he didn't say
"Debian" _once_ !!  He mentioned 'third-party Linux developers' a few times.

Quite disappointing.

If the current stylistic distinctions between  open-source and commercial
software persist,  an open-software  revolution could lead to yet another
divide between haves and have-nots: those with the skills and connections 
to make  use of free  software,  and those  who must pay high  prices for
increasingly dated commercial offerings.           -- Scientific American

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