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RE: Anyone think they can help out?

I am going to the ALS.  Will be there Thursday night.  What is needed?

On 13-Oct-98 David Welton wrote:
> Since I haven't seen email from Jim lately, I guess I'll try my best
> to coordinate this.  Basically do we : have anyone close to Corel that
> could install this, or, I guess, anyone going to the ALS that feels
> comfortable installing this.  Barring that, anyone reasonably close
> that maybe he could fedex it to? (That's just my idea, I'm not sure
> they would go for it).
> ----- Forwarded message from Oliver Bendzsa <oliverb@corelcomputer.com> -----
> From: "Oliver Bendzsa" <oliverb@corelcomputer.com>
> Organization: http://www.netwinder.org
> To: David Welton <davidw@gate.cks.com>
> CC: Nils Lohner <lohner@typhoon.icd.teradyne.com>, edmonds@freewwweb.com,
>         jim@jimpick.com, igor@igoria.net
> Subject: Re: Debian GNU/Linux bootable on Corel's NetWinder
> Hi David:
> I have a favor to ask you and your team, please help with the Debian
> install.  Knowing that you and I want this to go smoothly, and knowing
> that things are crazy busy here, it would be great if someone at
> Debian could commit to getting the system up and running.
> Please let me know.
> Thanks.
> Oliver
> David Welton wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 13, 1998 at 09:44:48AM -0400, Nils Lohner wrote:
>> > Oliver, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner... I was out of the
>> > country for a week and a half and just got back yesterday.  I will
>> > not be at ALS (unless I manage to get time off from work last
>> > minute and find a cheap flight).  The following people should be
>> > able to help you (I've also cc:ed a few others fromthe ARM
>> > project).  Please let me know if there is anything else that I can
>> > do to help.
>> >  Robert Edmonds <edmonds@freewwweb.com> (our coordinator for ALS)
>> >  Jim Pick <jim@jimpick.com> (ARM port coordinator)
>> > > Can we please discuss a demo of such a system at the Linux Expo
>> > > in Atlanta? I know there was some issue regarding a
>> > > system... that has been worked through, and I have secured a
>> > > loaner for this show. However, there is still the issue of
>> > > installing the OS onto the system. Would your team prefer this
>> > > task?
>> I haven't heard from Jim in a few days on the debian-arm list, so
>> I'll respond.  It's really pretty easy to install, and I think that
>> most people could do it by carefully following the instructions on
>> Jim's page.  I have prepared a list of errata (mostly permissions
>> problems) at
>> master.debian.org/~davidw/netwinder-errata.txt
>> If you'd like to get in contact with other people who have installed
>> Debian on their netwinders, you could try
>> debian-arm@lists.debian.org (or I could forward your message on.)
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -- 
> David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw 
>       Debian GNU/Linux - www.debian.org
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-arm-request@lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

E-Mail: Shaleh <shaleh@livenet.net>
Date: 14-Oct-98
Time: 00:02:03

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