Re: Who is starting this process?
On Sun 25 October 2009 02:09:55 pm Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
> > By any chance, did you install a package called "desktop-base" during
> > your last upgrade? I'm not certain that this is the correct package name,
> > but I recall installing a package that caused kdm to ignore the kdmrc
> > file and read, instead, a file installed in the /etc/default directory.
> > After installing it a couple of times I finally learned to avoid it.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > cmr
> This was a god idea, but sadly not the reason. I agree with you, that some
> package might be responsible for this. As I set in kdmrc a negative number
> for vt, it takes the highest non used terminal by the kernel.
> I tried to set vt=7 in kdmrc, and yes, that worked. X then is on vt7. But
> this thing I knew before.
> What I want to find out more is, why debian is suddenly changing the use of
> tty7 and tty8.
> I still found no way, to find out what processes need tty7 and 8, ps did
> tell nothing. I still found out, that debian-desktop changed initrd-image,
> another point, that the kernel seems something to do with this behaviour.
> Obviously only few people seem to know, what is causing this. I googled a
> little bit, and vt9 seem to be used in other distributions, too.
> On the other hand, a friend of mine is using sid/amd64, too, and his X is
> running on vt7. Really weired....
> Anyway, as it is not a bug at all, it is not serious, but it would be just
> nice to know, what is happening.
> Cheers
> Hans
I agree this is curious and, like you, I would want to learn the cause. Since
you've already tried `ps` without success, my next and last idea probably
won't help either, but have you taken a look at /etc/inittab and the getty
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