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Re: newby trying to go debian

Rodrigo Alexandre wrote:
so the debian version i should try is this "sid" one, right? you say
that debian is easier to customize (as opposed to ball and chain), but
i didnt understand why then the stable version is frozen, i mean, why
then cant i install the newest codecs in the stable (and "frozen"
according to micha) version?

Stable is meant to be just that - stable. So, no new packages are added to the stable branch, just occasional security updates. I usually run stable on servers. Sid is the unstable branch. This will always have the newest software, but you will run across broken packages from time to time. Usually, issues with broken packages are fixed within a week or so.

In between these is etch/testing. I used to run sid/unstable on my desktop PCs, but I've recently switched to testing, since it is a nice compromise. I get fairly recent software, but without all of the broken package issues seen in sid. I believe etch is frozen now (this means that no new packages are being added, just like stable), and will become the new "stable" soon. At that point, Sarge (current stable) will become "old stable".

I'd recomment using testing or unstable on desktop systems. If stability is more important, use testing. If the newest versions of packages is important, use unstable.

Hope this helps!

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