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Running vmware 4.x (again)

Hi *,

I'm new to this list so please excuse my ignorance. I'm in the process
of migrating my primary workstation (java development) to a dual-opteron
machine ranning amd64. Everything is working smoothly so far. I have a
chroot in /ia32 that basically contains my old workstation.

Now I want to install vmware 4.5.3 (we purchased 4.x and hesitate to
upgrade to 5.x since it's also not sure that our processor stepping is
good enough). Here is what I did so far:

* Install VMware-workstation-4.5.3-19414.tar.gz to /ia32/usr/local
* Leave init scripts in /etc
* Use vmware-any-any-update96 to upgrade/compile kernel modules in 64bit
* vmware-configure
* cp -a /etc/vmware /ia32/etc, edit /ia32/etc/vmware/* to remove /ia32
* cp -a /var/run/vmware /ia32/var/run
* copy my vm images over, same location is on the old machine
* run vmware from the chroot

Unfortunately I cannot run the vm:

Version mismatch with vmmon module: expecting 81.0, got 116.0.
You have an incorrect version of the `vmmon' kernel module.
Try reinstalling VMware Workstation.

Question is: Did I upgrade too far? I assumed installing the shipped
modules wouldnt have worked anyway (I'm running vanilla Has
anyone attempted the same thing with more luck?

Thanks for any advice and sorry if that kind of question is not welcome


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