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Re: Openoffice 2.0.1

Mickael Marchand wrote:
> well, the only thing I heard about having a native OOo on 64 bits was :
> "it' s just a dream, stop thinking about it" for months ;)
> so I am really amazed, it seems you did a really good job :)

Wow, don't over-estimate me !!! 8-o

The people from Openoffice.org did the whole work for the 2.0.1 !!!
I did just glue the things together to make the Debian source archive
compile. In total, I must have had to fix three or four bugs.

> well, I haven't seen any bugs yet so it looks like a really good job,
> I did not even expected it to fire up when I started the build :) (hence
> my surprise :o) (well, I am not a big OOo user, just basic usage ;)

Well, this is also what I heard, but nobody did really tried... so, why
should we believe them ? :)

Emmanuel Fleury

Computers are not intelligent.  They only think they are.
  -- Unknown

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