Re: Anyone willing to seed sarge amd64 isos?
On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 02:47:18PM -0500, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> wget uses persistent connections for every 10 files for jigdo, and the
> overhead is maybe 100bytes per file.
The overhead in data size is insignificant. The processing overhead
(parsing several thousand HTTP requests, looking up & opening several
thousand files instead of just one on both the server & client side, and
building the image on the client side) is not.
> Well for that it is very good. It also doesn't use any outgoing
> bandwidth, or depend on other people to be doing something special.
> Much more reliable that way. I find it no problem to saturate a decent
> connection with jigdo, although upping the 10 files at a time does help.
The bottleneck to the nearest mirror is our local 100MB/s ethernet network,
and still Jigdo was 2-3 times slower than downloading a single ISO from
the same mirror.
MTA SZTAKI Computer and Automation Research Institute
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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