Re: amd-64 vs Pure-64
Robert Isaac <> writes:
> Hello,
> --- Alexander Rapp <> wrote:
>> If I recall correctly from my own ooo2 build, the
>> only modifications
>> needed were editing some incorrectly autogenerated
>> files (chaning int to
>> long IIRC, can't remember the exact details) and
>> restarting the build
>> process with dpkg-buildpackage -uc -nc. Thus there
>> isn't really any
>> "machine-readable source" for him to distribute, and
>> the best he can do
>> is provide instructions on the changes necessary.
>> Wouldn't this be
>> sufficient for GPL compliance? Also note that OOo
>> is LGPL, not GPL,
>> though I don't think that matters here.
>> -- Alexander Rapp
> To remain legal he would have to provide a link to the
> OOo2 source code.
> Easily fixed.
> Bob
Build instructions of the form:
- run dpkg-buildpackages -uc till it fails
- apply this patch
- run dpkg-buildpackages -us -nc
accompanied with the patch to apply and the original source would work
too. On the other hand if he writes "change int to long in foobar.c"
instead of supplying the patch one could argue that that isn't machine
readable source. But that is a grey area.
I certainly would prefer a patch to vague instructions. Even more so a
patch that fixes the autogeneration to use the correct type in the
first place.
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