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Re: Amd64 archive

Ernest jw ter Kuile ha scritto:

>A great deal. To start with you could clarify your question.... Or was it just 
>a statement ?
>If your statement actually was a question, a simple search through the debian 
>amd64 mailing list archive for the word "openoffice" would answer a lot.
>If, however, your question really was a statement, maybe you should send in a 
>bug report ? But don't forget to search the bugs database first to see if 
>somebody else reported your bug first.
I thought the question was clear, but now I think that it wasn't. I
already had openoffice installed, but with alioth packages and following
a weird process to install it, like "apt-get install
openoffice.org-debian-files=3.1.2". I couldn't update it. So I decided
to try with Goswin's package. Take a look at

>This last question is really cryptic. What do you mean by an "amd64-archive 
>package for applications like Wine" ?
>Does this mean : a MS Windows program to handle the amd64 archive ?
What??? LOL!!!!!!!

>Since I can't imagine you meaning anything this useless, I suspect this needs 
>further explanations.
You were right, maybe you don't know of Goswin's package. It's very
useful if it works. And if Goswin will add Mplayer with w32codecs and
Wine, we will be able to run the only applications that we may miss in
amd64 without a chroot, but like a pseudo-multiarch. (Please don't flame
on this comparison)

Alessandro Dal Grande
Student In The University Of Padua - Computer Science
Linux Registered User #359258
System: GNU/Linux Debian Sid Pure64 on K8@3200
Chat: Psi ICQ) 150487234 Jabber) alex84@jabber.linux.it

Put the fan back into computing 

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