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Re: AVM Fritz!Card PCI (v2.0) / Fritz!DSL


El lun, 21-03-2005 a las 21:19 +0100, p-a-v-e-l@gmx.net escribió:
> Is anywhere how-to for adapting the 32-bit code to 64-bit? Or anything 
> regarding the theme?

If I understand correctly you want to link a 32-bit binary object with a
64-bit application/kernel module. I don't think that will work, as far
as I know you can't run mixed code in the same process. You could either
write a 64-bit stub that uses a neutral protocol to contact a 32-bit
wrapper to that object (feasible, but might be slow), or you could
decompile the object and rewrite it using 64-bit asm. I think that the
latter might be pretty easy if you know assembly and the code is not
overly optimized/obfuscated.

What solution suits this problem better depends on the size of the
module and the amount of imported/exported symbols. Of course you can
probably come up with a nicer solution, as I'm just playing by ear.

> BTW: I've got the answer from AVM, that the driver for my card will be 
> available in the Q3 2005.

You can probably come up with something by Q2 2005 ;-)

Javier Kohen <jkohen@users.sourceforge.net>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802
Jabber: jkohen@jabber.org

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