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Re: eclipse

Hi Philippe,

El lun, 14-03-2005 a las 21:12 +0100, Philippe Amelant escribió:
> hello
> I have installer eclipse 3.0.1 on debian pure64 with blackdown 1.4.2
> It's 3 or 4 times slower than the same on debian sid 32 bit with sun jdk
> 1.4.2
> Do you think it's a problem with jdk or with eclipse ?

When moving from IA32 to AMD64 I found out that Java and Eclipse were
using much more memory than before. To make a long story short, I had to
add more memory to my laptop.

However, I had bad experiences with Sun's and Blackdown's JVMs. Both
crash frequently when using Eclipse's editor, including the just
released 1.5.0-02. The latter also has problems out of the box with
debugging (though one of the maintainers posted here recently that there
is a fix/workaround somewhere). I personally use IBM's JDK 1.4.2sr1a,
but plain 1.4.2 works fine, too. I also found that IBM's is much more
snappier than Sun's 1.5.0, which seems to be the only application in my
computer that causes audio to skip during normal operation (and I have
now enough memory and I'm using Con Kolivas' kernel patchset).

Then again, your mileage might very.
Javier Kohen <jkohen@users.sourceforge.net>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802
Jabber: jkohen@jabber.org

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