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Re: Anyone using gcc-3.4 port for audio work?

Hi Norval,

> I hope to add all the Demudi packages to 64 side so I can have a
> 64-bit Demudi.

That's more or less what I had in mind. Since this is bleeding edge 
anyway, I figured it made sense to use the gcc-3.4 port - but I'm 
prepared to be persuaded otherwise!

> I think most pkgs are available in pure64 but some, eg Virtual
> Keyboard, are not.

Is it in Debian sid? If so I guess there's a 64-bit build problem. 
Personally I don't use that program, but I agree it's important as a 
test tool, and for people who don't have an external MIDI keyboard.

> My limited understanding of kernel issues is that the kernel should
> be compiled with realtime-lsm module, I don't know if anyone can do
> this.

My first attempt would be to take the DeMuDi kernel source package and 
try to build a binary from that, since it's already got the patches.

> I had problems starting jackd in pure64 initially but now I can,
> don't ask me why...

Jack can be a mystery sometimes. I'm glad to hear it can be made to 
work on pure64 though.



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