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Re: broke potato, missing unmet

Christopher C Chimelis (chris@debian.org) wrote:

> > As for the broken dependencies, I've attached the output of "apt-get
> > upgrade" if that helps.
> Ok, it did.  Try typing this:
> 	apt-get -f install gnome-bin gnome-libs-data


> then
> 	apt-get upgrade


> That should handle it.  It seems that there are a few more gnome packages
> than before and a few new dependencies that weren't there before.  An
> apt-get -f upgrade *might* do it too, but I've never tried that approach
> before.

And..... DITTO! :)

More ideas?


= Ronald Burnett Farrer =
- "mailto:rbf@magnesium.net";       -
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! If you let Windows dominate, expect the worst: !
! "WORLD.SYS is corrupt, reboot UNIVERSE Y/n"    !
? "How could this [Y2K Bug] be a problem in a country ?
? where we have Intel and Microsoft?" -- Al Gore      ?

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